23 October
all day I’ve been silently slipping
in and out of thoughts of you
your birthday ingrained
in my internal calendar
like my first address
a prime number
I still don’t know
what I was supposed to learn or do
what I was asked to give
how I should have changed
no one speaks of any of this here
alone I settle into
the deep confusion
your memory rends
like the sucking fountain
where the towers once stood
the darkness going down down down
deeper than light can go
into a silent still chamber
where no answers wait
after a time
I begin to ascend
glimpse the 3 warm pink bodies near me
throw my grappling hook at any and all
haul myself into sun
with enough strength left
to mumble
thank you for the alphabet soup
that brought five of us
into the light
Connie Brown says:
I am so reassured that you’ve begun to ascend. Keep the grappling hook firmly attached and keep throwing it higher into the forests and fields that heal you. Each year, please consider avoiding the descent and concentrate on those that love you and what you’ve done that we respect you for