happy trees
spring fills in the paint-by-number mountainsides
and broad swaths of beige-grey lighten up overnight
it’s a green so new it floats like mist
a luminous glow suspended above crowns
like a saint’s nimbus
you can’t make out a single leaf
instead there’s a cloud of burst buds
as if someone took a fan brush
rubbed in the taste of early snow peas
and dabbed the scene to life
the aspen stands come in the way they go out
one sprawling clone flashes on at a time
your brief chance to greet each individual
before it fades into forest
Mom says:
I like the descriptors-saint’s nimbus, burst buds, fades into forest & taste of early snow peas. It really helps the reader visualize.
AEOC says:
Thanks! I haven’t been bringing my phone when I run, so I don’t have any photos of the newly-leafed-out aspen. I think Alex might, though, so maybe I can post some tonight. Up at the cabin they’re still in catkin stage.
Audrey Butters says:
I can imagine the clouds of color floating above the forest, and taste the green of the snow peas. Lovely descriptions and your blog is beautiful!!
AEOC says:
Thanks for reading, Audrey! I’m glad you like the look. It’s my first time using WordPress, and I looked at a lot of themes. Finally I Googled “themes for poets” and this one called “Wild Book” came up, and I was sold.