
Joke of the Day 21 June 2019

highlight the black block for the answer

Q: What happened to Batman when he ate a lot o’ hamburgers?

A: He turned into Fatman.


6 June 2019 Joke of the Day

highlight the black block to find the answer

Q: What’s green and has wheels?

A: Grass. (I lied about the wheels.)


3 June 2019 Joke of the Day

Highlight the black block to find the answer

Q: What is the difference between teachers and trains?

A: Teachers tell you to spit out your gum. Trains say “Chew, chew!”


2 June 2019 Joke of the Day

Highlight the black block to find the answer.

Q: Why wasn’t the guy able to get to the Burger King?

A: He couldn’t ketchup to the fast food!!!!!!!!


1 June 2019 Joke of the Day

highlight the black block to find the answer

Q: Why did the guy up in the mountains not have to buy new mechanical pencils?

Because he was in Leadville