other people’s problems
how am I harmed
by caged children
sleeping on floors?
how am I affected
by coal miners
ordered to dig more
while koalas burn?
how am I bothered
by the mother detained
at the airport
once the rules changed?
how am I inconvenienced
by the grandmother
cast off the voter rolls?
how am I troubled
by the appointed agency head
whose goal is
to dismantle the agency?
how am I damaged
by a man who grabs women
and gets elected
then appoints men who grab women
to be judges in the courts
where men who grab women
get off?
how am I diminished
when one boss
earns in one minute
more than three times
what a worker makes in a year?
and now that boss will keep more
while the workers keep less?
these are other people’s problems
not mine
my only worry is
I’m losing my humanity