
The People Parade, as told by L’il Foot, the Little Penguin

The People Parade, as told by L’il Foot, the Little Penguin

they’re there all day if you look hard enough
one or two scattered along the boardwalk
hidden in the scrub

but it’s only when the light goes rose
that they gather by the hundreds
wide pockets of bodies
lining the shore

we wait for them to settle down
my mates and me
then when they’re calm and quiet
we move in close
to see them face-to-face

they make so many calls
it’s hard to know what they mean
squealing and cooing
trotting up the path

I like to stand still sometimes
let them flow around me like a river
of legs and eyes and voices
and wonder what their homes look like inside
where exactly are they hurrying off to?

it’s different every night
this evening there were four
who matched each step with mine
as if I were escorting them home
out under the stars together
heading back after a long day’s fishing

we took it easy together
ambling up the hill
the smallest one didn’t even wear trainers
he left his pink feet out in the cold
and his flip flops slapped against
the boards each step

I named him Li’l Toes
and blinked him a quiet goodnight peck
and wished him sweet dreams
wherever he lays his head
before I lost him in the crowd


gingerbread houses (without gingerbread)

gingerbread houses (without gingerbread)

made from materials
from the open minimart:
2 packets of biscuits
just-add-water Royal Icing
a box of food colouring
a bag each of M&Ms
and Sour Patch Kids
and (most importantly)

look what emerges:
sunflower gardens
Twister games
swimming pools
Christmas trees
busy minds hands hearts
3 sugary scenes
and one yummy new memory


at Green Cape Light

at Green Cape Light

I go looking for a light in the darkness
even on days the sun shines full blast

look up – magic everywhere
today: a wombat scratching his back with a lighthouse
my happy healthy mum watching an echidna
my family ringed by waves
thrusting our heads into the center
of a crystal lens
learning how to turn
a flicker of flame
into a broad-beamed beacon
to keep drifting souls
(especially ours)
away from the rocks
anywhere in the world


solstice, mountains

solstice, mountains

on almost-the-longest-day
we walk in sun for hours
scoop snow with our bare hands
cradle an unexpected bit of home
that puts December right

our sons confirm
we are mountain people
at home in the big bare peaks
where you easily see where you’ve been
and have a good view of where you’re going
here you can read the weather well
just by glancing up into unobstructed blue
all the way round the rough horizon
the high point of the peak is unequivocal:
you’ve absolutely reached your goal
standing there silently
we trace the ribbon of trail
all the way back home