
Magnetic Island Koala

Magnetic Island Koala

you might miss him
except the wind’s rustling
the fine white fur of his inner ears
setting it to wave in the blazing sun
just enough movement to expose a soul

he clings to the trunk
with black barbed toes
head sinking with each exhale
like a tired toddler in her car seat
incomparably fuzzy in a grey suit
that must be stifling hot this noon

his eyes are mere sunken dots
turned inward, shut and dreaming
one leg’s kicked up a bit
to steady his slumbering self
and when his jaw slackens
and his lips loosen in sleep
four yellow twisted teeth emerge
(oh my)
not befitting the rest of his form
rather like a handsome British lord
with disappointing dental work

in the end, however, charm prevails


camp pool slide

camp pool slide

the kids line up
to corkscrew its length
just enough water
to keep the clip up
just enough depth
to make entry exciting
the temp’s just right
to orbit around
endlessly dripping giggles




sometimes I want a bit of wind and wave
the rhythm of that white curl of crest
smell of battered wrack
the sting of salt and sand
air you feel and taste
pushing your limbs and locks
til you know you’re still embodied
your hair going matted by mist
just looking at the restless grey out there

tonight it’s come with purple puffs of cloud
twining beach pea in the small hump of dune
a skiff with orange sail racing the dark
and a beach I can’t find an end for

this is highly enjoyable
I whisper to myself
(a bit of an understatement)
& thank all the elements for
assembling themselves just so
yet again


Coral Sea Dreaming

Coral Sea Dreaming

in 4 dimensions
all blue

and then
a gentle soul
flaps quietly
held suspended
by a sea of salt
and imagination


sunset at Spot X


sunset at Spot X

clouds split sun to beams
of heavy late afternoon light

just like the cover
of a Christian rock album
she says

someone’s trying to tell
someone something

are you listening?


Bruce Highway

Bruce Highway

blue to port
starboard, green
charcoal grey road
rolls out into hill

we follow the dash dash dash
line south
looking for roos
dodging the heat
learning new names
for what might be next


waterless ocean

waterless ocean

it’s a curious feeling
this waterless ocean
sea + sand but no
bathing floating quenching

the water does all its usual things
but not to us

chock full of crocs with restless jaws
and box jellies that would unwittingly kill us
(the sign warns apply vinegar
+ immediately begin CPR –
the pain’s so excruciating
it’ll truly stop your heart)

we wander the shore
like Victorian ladies
who for now must keep
our lacy petticoats dry




strolling on the tame paved Esplanade
late on an empty Monday morning
we eye a pole flexing
with the tell-tale wiggle of fish
and the man in black
with an unkempt white beard
racing to grab the rod

we pause to see
whether he’ll land it
and sure enough
the line drags heavy on the sand
with the fish’s pull
but, no, it’s not –
this shape is all angles
sharp tail
and misshapen face

we all gasp in horror
then recognition
not only that but
the eyes like afterthoughts
on metastasized lumps of face
the mouth when the man flips the creature over
a half-moon of needles
begging to prick
but the skin feels
surprisingly smooth calm reasonable

it’s a baby
a few weeks old
and he can’t heave it
back into the aqua of Trinity Bay
too soon for my suddenly squeamish taste




at the rental car counter
English gushes from the Kiwi clerk’s
young, witty, unpretentious lips
and within seconds
she grasps our situation
anticipates what we’ll say next
banters, poses questions
sizes up our promotional brochure needs
and sends us on our way
with bubbly brisk efficiency
while we blink mutely
realizing how impoverished
our speech has been for months
(our fault, not learning Tok Ples
as they say in PNG)
and we stand stunned by what can be said
when you share a mother tongue




sadly no superhero
tonight I carve out hours
in the blue-black dark
searching for a living reef
with nesting birds
a responsible skipper
adequate shade
and a tiny pricetag

and tomorrow I still won’t have
six-pack abs