


en español
I learn
to loose my tongue
to make mistakes
in a loud enough voice
to say what I need
I am no longer above
committing grave grammatical errors
changing tenses genders numbers
in the most haphazard unsophisticated way
I am being brave and humble enough
to open my mouth
and let imperfections stream out
while someone nods kindly
understanding just what is needed
from the way I move my hands


Feminist Fashion Police Strike Again

Cedar commissioned this poem.

Feminist Fashion Police Strike Again

the irony

the terrible mistakes made
in the making, selling, wearing of this t-shirt:
bold white letters on a red ground with a smattering of blue stars
evoking America

the worst part is that it’s not worn by some silly little slip of a girl
she’s a middle-aged woman
in a sensible headscarf
out with friends
on the river trail

the best part is
that my 9-year-old boy is horrified
wants to tell her to dare
wants to show her the mother-of-pearl insight
inside failure’s ugly oyster
wants to hold her hand
to help her be braver
like he held mine
after the bat’s wings brushed my arm.