one community under fire
there’s a danger of becoming three factions:
*lost your home
*displaced by damage
our day-to-day is so different
but we all love this place
and want a say in our future
what can save us?
one community under fire
there’s a danger of becoming three factions:
*lost your home
*displaced by damage
our day-to-day is so different
but we all love this place
and want a say in our future
what can save us?
the will of the people
there’s the decision date
and the decision point
the fulcrum the inflection point
beyond which the momentum
seems to go one way
after that the vote becomes a formality
because the community has chosen
it’s much harder to pinpoint on the calendar
it’s why people say
keep an ear to the ground:
listen for the stampede
so you can join in or get out of the way
introvert curb-appeal
she wants to see out
but not let them see in
a one-way yard
like aviator glasses
or monitored mirrors
she wants community
and to be left to her own devices
to be missed
and to slip through the scene
she tells them
cut the shrub blocking the window
then thinks better of it
when the job’s half done
she wants to notice
without leaving her own prints
she’s like Janus or Gemini
of two opposing minds
hungry for connection
and sated on her own