
what’s missing

what’s missing

I can see the wind waving the trees
but can’t hear it

the cabin walls tight
though not warm –

we need the crackle
of fire


inviting fire

inviting fire

in the cabin it’s warm
but not cozy

the crackle and flicker
the exuberance of combustion
are missing

sometimes fire sits with us
like an old friend

sometimes it levels us
all up in smoke


the tall bed

the tall bed

it feels like coming aboard
stepping up on the high wooden box
then hoisting myself onto
this queen-sized raft of dream
with extra-long pillows
and billowing duvet

a good 4 feet off the floor
we set sail
into the short dark of summer
perforated by starshine
while Homestake’s white wave
curls in the distance

rosy mountain sunrise snow
gently announces
it’s another day now
time to disembark
and make those hazy dreams real