


I’m dreaming of a little place
in tall trees
lit by sunshine and snow
and golden aspen light

a place so flush with water
it bubbles out of the ground
and you can float on a pond
when you need to let go

I’m dreaming of a small space
with not too much to burn
that heats up quick
with the strike of a match

I’m dreaming of a break
from ash and scrap
where I can settle my head
deep into down

and dream blue white green dreams
where all breezes are innocent
all sparks kept to the stove


the realm of the everywhen

the realm of the everywhen

what exists in the everywhen
(by my faith):

these are the forces of the eternal now
the flows that one must align to
the vibrations that yield harmony


farmstay vs. caravan park

farmstay vs. caravan park

after a string of caravan parks
here we are
camped on a farm
and we all go loose and easy
with room to run and kick a ball
and the great big sky of stars
arching over us
bright enough you can name them
even through the tent screen
and the dark’s black enough
to be able to slip into sleep
whenever you’re ready

crickets keep up a drone
so different from generator
and the highway’s a quiet whisper
in the distance
as the night lengthens the heat here actually ebbs –
at last we’ve found a place where sleep brings cool

over by the office Tilly the kangaroo dreams
her long hind limbs splayed in visible peace