
In Praise of Stiff Wind

In Praise of Stiff Wind

walking around the reservoir
blasted by invigorating wind
all we can do is laugh
at the immense blessing
of being given to one another;
of knowing someone else
who sings this song


friendship, camping

friendship, camping

someone who wants to be with me
just for who I am
not because we share blood
not due to desire
not because I’m useful
just because we like each other

rarest of souls
just for you I’m weaving
a crown of gentian blossom
and rabbit fur
golden butterfly wing
and lime green moss –

all that I have to offer
besides a handful of M&Ms
and my authentic grateful heart
so at home with you




I’m allowed to feel resentful
I say boldly.

Well, ok, she says,
but would you want to?
How about if you allow yourself
to feel deeply sad instead?

My girders instantly crumple
under grief’s weight.
Yes, feeling the sadness serves
in a way that being right
(or not) doesn’t now.

This one raw gift of insight
would have been more than enough
but then she gives another:

Picture the other person
joyful contented whole happy
complete –
you would both be healed,
released from a cycle of shared wounds.
We’re all one body in the end.
Now make it so.

She’s a crisp clear bell
in this shimmering grove
of white-and-green-light.

I bow


rainy day ramblings

rainy day ramblings


am I doing enough
to earn my time here?
(and, is it possible to also read a book?)


rain on rose petals
silver linings everywhere


companion = [with] [bread]
this also delimits my friend/acquaintance line:
who can I invite in next
to serve a warm thick slice?
the words around us bear
the weight of deep meanings
we don’t even bother consciously knowing

from now on companion will have
a more complex, savory taste
every time it rolls around my mouth