
learning a language

learning a language

tongue clicks purrs jaws grinding stretching holding up one leg a sharp call
and a low warble
moment by moment
we learn how to speak
or lover
or child
each time banking on
the patience and goodwill
of our innocent instructor
we learn a new way
to say what we need


symptomatic vocabulary

symptomatic vocabulary

blue sky sprites
words that would have given me hope
four years ago
my body’s white blood cells
pulling out all the stops
working to bring me right

but without those words
my vision was clouded
another bit of normal
perhaps forever gone
grey drifts of dots
descending slowly
every time I blinked

blue sky sprites
if only someone had given me
these three words to hold on to
a whole new way of seeing
this change that typhus wrought
I would have worried a little less
believed in magic a little more




en español
I learn
to loose my tongue
to make mistakes
in a loud enough voice
to say what I need
I am no longer above
committing grave grammatical errors
changing tenses genders numbers
in the most haphazard unsophisticated way
I am being brave and humble enough
to open my mouth
and let imperfections stream out
while someone nods kindly
understanding just what is needed
from the way I move my hands


3 Valentines

3 Valentines


here where the choice of words
feels so weighted
vs. usted
ser vs. estar
every sentence revealing
one’s innermost thoughts
about where things stand
I say today and tomorrow and tomorrow
tú y yo


you don’t need to
say you’re sorry
only accept
the warm fuzzy love
and bright grapefruit-pink joy
I hold out in both hands
for you


I’ve never been disappointed
by what’s inside
your oh-so-deep
kind well of
patient and giving heart


culture, one word at a time / cultura, una palabra a la vez

culture, one word at a time / cultura, una palabra a la vez

here we learn
of a blue
that is not blue

calling the sky-blue
celeste azul
would be like
mistaking pink
for red

this celestial blue
stands apart
not of this world

but here also there is no space
between heaven and sky
son iguales

no boundary between the seen and unseen
between life as we know it
and faith in more


aquí aprendemos
de un azul
eso no es azul

llamando al cielo azul
celeste azul
seria como
rosa equivocado
para rojo

este azul celestial
se destaca
no de este mundo

pero aquí tampoco hay espacio
entre el cielo y el cielo
son iguales

sin límite entre lo visible y lo invisible
entre la vida tal como la conocemos
y fe en más


n vs. ñ

n vs. ñ

an energetic n
says nyu
changes everything
with one little wave

and I barely know
how to make it


Hector’s Visit

Hector’s Visit

he’s overcome
each time another animal chooses him
overjoyed they’d share a moment

today when the little dolphin
broke away from her pod
and frolicked all around the boat
saying hello a dozen ways
he was amazed

before that, when massive Toy Soldier
the show jumper nuzzled his shirt
he glowed at being touched

the little owl, blue penguin, purring cheetah
each animal he’s really met
says clearly to him
as if in his mother tongue
you are not alone
reconnects his hairless ape life
to the world of fur feather bone wild
his pressed palm feels a real heart beat
and remembers we’re all one

and someday
he’ll feel that in the tree and fern
skipping river and stinging wind
silent stars and now-cold stone
even the space between cells
the negative cloud where all’s uncertain
even there in the nothingness he’ll sense
we’re all one
he’s tethered to every last bit
including his four chickens
that haven’t yet hatched


language loom

language loom

alone together so long
we’ve nearly forgotten
how others sound
how to weave an exchange
with another willing soul
until the tones hold more than
simple senseless waves

slowly we remember
to listen and ask until
there’s a tough cupped palm heart
sturdy enough to hold tears
threaded together
one under-over-under dip
of our verbal dance at a time


body language

body language

not knowing their words
I read people better
their actions and attitudes
all I can gauge
in a moment
I have taken their pulse

intelligible words
pouring out of a mouth
distract from the telling
twitch of the lips
clarity of gaze
steadiness of hand
that simmer to make
savoriness of character

in English we dismissively say
gut feeling
as if it’s misleading
at best a guess
not the sum total
of generations of watching
what people do
when not telling the truth