
sound work

sound work

I am rolling o’s and l’s
into lolling logjams

pushing s’s and z’s
into lazy buzzes

growling r’s gutturally
until they resound
in the hollow chamber of your chest

trying to use
little dots and lines
to make you feel
new in your body
not just your conscious crown


5.4 64km 11:45pm

5.4 64km 11:45pm

first the moth flinging himself at the pane
becomes a stiff wind
then the gust gathers
becomes a truck going by on the road behind
but then the rattle’s in front, too –
have truck and wind teamed up?
no, it keeps growing all around at once
quite unlike any truck
then you realize what it is
when everything moves at once:


Borobudur night sounds

Borobudur night sounds

Progo River hurrying through the shallows
chuckling tokay booming his love song
waking everyone who hasn’t already filtered him out
crickets pulsing
airplane’s vacuum gush
shaka shaka shaka cicada beat
thin voices down the bank
the odd rooster going off early
rumble of traffic somewhere
casual scratching of an old mosquito bite

the river swirls them all together
transforms the angular noises
into a smooth wash of night sound
closes the day